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您的当前位置:首页 → 指纹SDK开发包
    指纹识别算法开发包(Software Development Kit,简称SDK)是基于吉联指纹识别技术以及吉联指纹算法软件所提供的一套能够对吉联指纹采集仪进行二次开发的软件开发包。它具有强大的软件开发功能,它包括指纹采集、图像处理、特征生成、模块生成、指纹比对、存取指纹图像文件和读取指纹图像文件等接口函数功能。这些指纹有关的应用包括Windows 登录、屏幕锁定、口令替换及其加密磁盘驱动器。通过软件开发包(SDK),可以在您的应用程序中增加指纹识别的功能,它同时兼容于Biokey高速指纹识别算法。

SDK Gold version

  SDK Gold version can be installed on the following operating systems:
    Windows 95 OSR2.1 or above
    1) Microsoft USB supplement must be installed.
    2) Internet Explorer 4.0 or above must be installed. 
    3) During the installation, DO NOT plug in the sensor until instructed to do so.
    Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows Me
    1) During the installation, DO NOT plug in the sensor until instructed to do so.
    Windows NT 4.0
    1) Service Pack 4 or above, and IE 4.0 or above must be installed.
    2) You must have Administrator Rights.
    3) You can plug in the sensor any time: before, during, or after the installation. 
    Windows 2000
    You must have Administrator Rights.
    During the installation, DO NOT plug in the sensor until instructed to do so.
    The SDK Gold libraries were created using Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0. If you are using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, you need to use libraries that were compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0. You can find these libraries in the \Misc\VC5 folder on the installation CD

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